Avoid An Evacuation Nightmare
We’ve all been in bumper to bumper traffic, moving what seems to be inches at a time, whether on the way to a sporting event or just during the morning commute to work. Traffic jams are awful, they can make a thirty minute drive last hours, and create headaches for everyone involved. And that’s just
The Importance of an Emergency Blanket
In the face of any natural disaster or severe weather event, it is always important to have an emergency pack at the ready for when things turn sour. The most common items that come to mind are water, food, batteries, first-aid supplies, and lighting. An important item that commonly gets overlooked, is an emergency blanket,
Storm season is upon us
Storm season is upon us and if history is any indication, it’s time to start game planning your disaster and relief scenarios now. As violent Tornados become more frequent in the midwest and hurricane season encroaches in the south east, making the proper preparations before the last minute is the best way to provide safety
Emergency Packing: Additional Items to Consider
Creating your own emergency survival bag can be a bit overwhelming. How much water do you need, how many servings of food, and, since everything you own won’t fit in a back pack, what do you absolutely need to include? That’s just one of the reasons we decided on creating our award-winning survival bags. Reduce
Our Top 3 Emergency Radios
When you’re in the middle of a natural disaster or extreme weather scenario it can feel like you’re cut off from the world entirely. To properly assess ongoing conditions, or emergency evacuation, it’s imperative to know what is going on outside. When will the danger subside, when will rescue arrive? These questions can be extremely
The Need for Clean Water
Making it through a natural disaster or emergency scenario is difficult enough to begin with, but, depending on the severity, the aftermath can turn into a nightmare. With powerlines destroyed, city infrastructures in shambles, and businesses shutdown, tasks that were nearly autonomous before might be more difficult than ever imagined. When it comes to survival one
Is Everyone Prepared: EAP Checklist
We've been talking about work place safety for some time now and have highlighted the various things to look out for and to prepare for in an emergency situation while at work in effort to keep you prepared and safe at all times. It’s something we’re adamant about because we know the dangers of being
Emergency Awareness at Work
It’s no secret that we live in an imperfect world. This means the worst can happen when you least expect it, regardless of where you are or what day it is. Sustain is here to help you plan for natural disasters and emergency situations. Since natural disasters can be spontaneous, it’s best to be prepared
The 4 Phases of Emergency Management
Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery are the 4 phases of emergency management that work to reduce the damage and fallout that occur after an emergency or natural disaster. This is a continuous cycle of strategic planning and action for local, state, and federal governments. The 4 phases help to fulfil emergency management responsibilities in order