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The 4 Phases of Emergency Management

Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery are the 4 phases of emergency management that work to reduce the damage and fallout that occur after an emergency or natural disaster. This is a continuous cycle of strategic planning and action for local, state, and federal governments. The 4 phases help to fulfil emergency management responsibilities in order to properly and effectively manage the safety of civilians in the event of an emergency or natural disaster situation. So, what exactly goes into the four phases of emergency Management? Let’s dive in and find out:

This phase covers any activities or precautions that prevent emergencies, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, or mitigate the damaging effects or hazardous situations. The mitigation phase should be considered and planned out long before an actual emergency is presented.

The next phase, preparedness, covers the planning that needs to be incorporated or decided when thinking about what to do, where to go, who to call and any other actions that will assist your efforts in successfully dealing with an emergency.

The third phase deals with the reality of how you’ll respond to an emergency or crisis scenario. Understanding what needs to be done to ensure your family is safe and secure is paramount. Doing so in a responsible and calculated way can be what stands between safety and danger for everyone involved.

This is the final phase and it takes place after the emergency is over and the immediate danger has subsided. Depending on the severity of the emergency or disaster, your local community or area may be in disarray. With power lines down, the electricity out, and the possibility of community hysteria, it’s critical you are prepared for this phase in order to take care of yourself and any family, pets, or others that are depending on you.

When coming to terms with the realities of mother nature, it really does magnify the importance of being prepared for whatever may be thrown your way. To ensure you have the supplies needed, check out our 72-hour survival kits that are curated by professionals to include everything you will need to survive in an emergency situation.

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