At Sustain Supply Co., we want your experience to be a positive one. If you have a question or concern about an order, our staff of product experts are here to help.
To be eligible for a return, please make sure that:
- The product was purchased in the last 30 days
- The product is in its original packaging
- The product isn’t used or damaged
- You have the receipt or proof of purchase
- You obtained a Return Merchandise Number (RMN) from us
*Products that do not meet these criteria will NOT be considered for return.
To obtain a Return Merchandise Number (RMN), contact us:
Phone: 844.311.6016
Send the product with its original packing and the receipt or proof of purchase and the RMN number, along with a note indicating whether you want to exchange the product (and if so, what other product you want to order) or a refund, to:
96 Windsor St.,
West Springfield,
MA 01089
Shipping charges
Shipping charges incurred in connection with the return of a product are non-refundable.
You are responsible for paying the costs of shipping and for the risk of loss of or damage to the product during shipping, both to and from Sustain Supply Co.
Damaged items
If you received a damaged product, please notify us immediately for assistance.
Sale items
Sale items can be refunded.
Contact us
If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:
Phone: 844.311.6016