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Editor’s Top Pick

The AskMen Acquire team thoroughly researches & reviews the best gear, services and staples for life.

Talk to any search and rescue personnel (or any non-Bear Grylls outdoor enthusiast) and they’ll likely tell you the most important piece of survival equipment these days is your phone: built-in maps, compasses, weather forecasters, first aid tutorials, and of course the phone itself will get you out of more scrapes than any expired Desert Storm MREs or complicated Swiss camp stove ever will.

Still, it’s easier to start a fire with actual matches, and these days, much of the best gear out there is functional, stylish, and multi-purpose. After all, why shouldn’t you survive zombies or an alcohol-free campground with a little swagger, rather than as a Duck Dynasty reject.

Order this stuff before you need it: items sell out during emergencies. I was writing this piece as Hurricane Maria was bearing down on Puerto Rico (while Florida, Houston, and Mexico City were still reeling from their natural disasters), and disaster kits were sold out on many sites.

Finally, this round-up is in no way intended to make light of serious situations. Don’t forget you can help those in need by donating to or other reputable charities and aid services.

Editor’s Top Pick: Sustain 72-Hour Emergency Bag

Due to the unexpected nature of natural disasters, people have been encouraged to construct a go-bag. Unfortunately, the best intentions can be easily thwarted, and most people end up with a barely-filled backpack that wouldn’t get you through the next Fyre Festival. You’ll find tons of emergency kits on Amazon and prepper sites, but this Sustain Supply Co. 2- or 4-person kit might be the be-all for any situation. The durable, military-grade backpack (with support belt) comes complete with water packets, food, lights, first aid kits, bath wipes, a portable stove, lantern, firestarter, whistles, knives, and more. And there’s still room left for vital papers and prescription medications. Toss packs in the car or boat for any unforeseen situation.